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Vacancies for the session 2025-26. ...

We are pleased to enclose the result of the SOF INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH OLYMPIAD (IEO) of students from APS Dhar ...

APS Dhar Road is happy to announce that School has scores 100% pass percentage this year. Summary of Result at ...

APS Dhar Road has opted for cashless transaction, Parents are hereby directed to not to make any cash transact ...

Bullying Prohibited
Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished. ...


Status of Implementation of CBSE norms

Essential Conditions

S.No Norm Status of Implementation

School must have formal prior recognition and no objection certificate of the State/UT Government

School is recognized to CBSE from 14-03-07
Affiliation code – 730028  Since 01-04-2010 upto 31-03-2015
School code – 24014


The school should run by a Registered society/Trust/Section25 company having non proprietary character.

School is run by AWES (Army Welfare Education Society) It came under the aegis of AWES in 1980


The school should have a building with a playground on 2 acres of land. 

Area of Campus – 14447.54 (sq mtrs),(3.570067Acres) with built up area of 1666.67 sq. mtrs.


The school should have qualified staff with pupil teacher ratio of 30:1 and section teacher ratio 1: 1.5  

All teachers are well qualified. The Pupil teacher ratio is 21:1


The school must pay salary & allowances as per the norms prescribed by the Govt. of India to the staff. 

Salary is paid according to AWES rules


S.No Norm Status of Implementation

The institution should have facilities commensurate with its requirements.



It should satisfy the minimum conditions laid down for school building, class rooms etc. The minimum floor space should be atleast 1sq. mtr per student.




The number of students in the class should not be very large. The optimum number in a section of a class is 40.




The library should be well equipped and spacious. It should be have at least 05 books (other than text books) per student in its stock subject to a minimum of 1500 at the beginning. 

School Library has more than 3000 books


The school should subscribe sufficient number of newspapers and magazines suitable for students and there should be at least 15 magazines at the beginning.



Classrooms – minimum size should be 8m x 6m (approx 500 sq ft.)



Science Labs (Composition for secondary or / and separate Physics, Chemistry and Biology for Senior Secondary) – Minimum size should be 9m x 6m each (approx 600 sq ft.) and fully equipped.

School is having composite science lab as school is upto to Class X


Library – minimum size should be 14m x 8m fully equipped and with reading room facility.



Separate Computer Lab with computer-student ratio 1:20 & separate Maths Lab should be provided.  



Rooms for extra curricular activities – either seprate rooms for music, dance, arts& sports or one multi purpose hall for all these activities should be available.

School is having separate rooms for Music, Art& Craft and Sports.


The school should have adequate facilities for providing recreation activities and physical education.



Admission & Fees

S.No Norm Status of Implementation

Admission should be done as per CBSE rules and reservation categories should be handled according to state rules.  




Fees should be taken according to prescribed format by Department of Education of the state. No capitation fees should be charged otherwise drastic action will be taken. 




Fees should not be revised in mid-session without consultation with the parents.  




Staff and Service conditions:

S.No Norm Status of Implementation

School should have well qualified adequate teaching staff with pupil teacher ratio 30:1

Pupil Teacher ratio is 21:1


Salary should be paid through Account Payee Cheques drawn on a Scheduled bank, from the date of first appointment of the teachers on probation. 

Salary is paid through Account Payee cheque of PNB, Thillrown


Schools should provide appointment letter to the staff with minimum one year contract which will not be extended beyond 2 yaers.      

Service rules are followed according to AWES Rules.


The Schools should have benefits like Gratuity, provident fund as per the Govt. norms.      

EPF is paid to employees according to J&K Employees Provident Fund Scheme


Except special cases all teachers should be engaged as whole time employees. 



The number of students in the class should not be very large. The optimum number in a section of class is 40.



Orientation programmes should be carried out for entire teaching staff by the school or collaboration with other schools/state.

Teachers orientation programmes at School, Command Level and Refresher Courses are also done in FDRC, New Delhi


After verification school will not retain original certificates of the employees. 




There should not be any gender specific violence & sexual harassment at the workplace. 



Management of Private Unaided Schools:

S.No Norm Status of Implementation

In case of schools belonging to category 3(1)(v), there should be a properly constituted Registered Society/Trust. It should be of a non proprietary character and its constitution be such that it does not vest control in a single individual or members of a family. The aims of the Society/Trust should be laid down under section 19(1) and (2).





Formation of the Society/Trust should also conform to the state government rules in which the school is located.



School management committee should have powers to supervise activities of school for its smooth functioning.



Financial Resources:

S.No Norm Status of Implementation

School must have sufficient Financial resources to guarantee its continued existence, pay salaries to teachers and other staff and maintain it at a reasonable standard of efficiency with regular improvement of facilities. 




No part of income from the institution shall be diverted to anybody and  should be used for promoting the school. Regular audit of accounts should be sent to Board every year.     




The channeling of funds by the Management to person(s) or enterprise other than for furthering education in the school will contravene the rules governing affiliation and call for appropriate action by the Board.


Noted for Compliance


 Annual Report


Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul.

Dream deep, for every dream leads the goal.

“Be kind, have courage and always believe in a little magic. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish can come true.”

I, Jyoti Bedyal, Principal Army Public School, Dhar Road feel reverent to extend a warm-hearted welcome to you all on the Annual Day Celebration 2019-20. I cordially welcome our distinguished Chief Guest Brigadier Navin Varma, Chairman of the school and Commander 611 Independent AD Brigade and I also extend my welcome to today’s Guest of Honor Mrs Sangeeta Verma and my special welcome to Director AWES , Northern Command Colonel A K Sharma.

Further I welcome the other invited dignitaries from our controlling formation, worthy guest principals of invited schools and special guests from civil administration. Last but not the least, my hearty welcome to our worthy parents without whose cooperation this show could not be thought of.

In Army Public School, Dhar Road, we believe that every individual has a lot of potential and that potential can help accomplish wonders. That is why, it is fair that we believe that the future of the world starts here. The session 2019 was a great year, and I consider it a moment of pride to showcase all the achievements and development that the school, staff and students overtook.


The school believes in trying hard and stop not till the goal is reached. By providing a conducive and encouraging environment, the students are mentored to participate in a variety of intra and interschool activities/competitions. It enables the student to grow in confidence, knowledge & enhance their all-round development.

The future of our nation, our students should excel in all possible fields is the dream of the school. Excellence in academics is the hallmark of any educational institution and the school is striving hard to attain the same.

Our dream, too, is to improve the API. We have been successful in making this possible as the school produced 100% result in class X board exams with API 241.38 and stood at IIIRD position in Northern Command. I would like to mention here that API of class X has been raised considerably as compared to the last session.

Winners are not born, they are made. The ingredients to be put in are hard work, devotion and dedication. So, dear audience here I feel proud to announce the names of the academic toppers of the session 2018-2019. Master Ryan Sharma, S/O Er. Bharat Sharma Class-I, Ms Vaishnavi Manhas D/O Lt. Col S S Manhas of Class II, Master Anshuman S/o Bharat Singh of Class III , Miss Vitasta Pathak D/O Pankaj Kumar of Class IV, Master Avansh Awasthi S/o Raju Awasthi of Class V, Master Yash Sinha S/o Lt Col Nishant Navin of Class VI,Miss Shriya Sharma D/o Om Prakash Sharma of Class VII,Miss Nitika Sharma D/o Madan Lal Sharma of Class VIII, Miss Tejaswita Dalal D/O Lt Col J S Dalal of Class IX, Master Rahul Singh S/o Rajindra Singh of Class X achieved first position.

Curricular and Co-curricular activities go hand in hand and our students excel not only in academics but also in co-curricular activities and it’s a matter of great pride for me to announce that the school has bagged Northern Command Inter APS CCA Rolling trophy this year.

In Northern Command Inter A.P.S English and Hindi Declamation Competition, we secured Ist position. Further in Northern Command Inter A.P.S English and Hindi Debate Competition, Master Satvik Magotra and Master Mridul Malgotra from Class X were adjudged as the Best Interjectors. In Northern Command Inter A.P.S Quiz Competition, again the students brought laurels to the school by clinching IIND position and got Runners Up trophy.

Mridul Malgotra of Class-X got selected for INSPIRE MANAK Awards being executed by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. He was felicitated with a cash prize worth Rs 10,000/-. At District Level, his model got selected again and he was felicitated with cash prize worth Rs 20,000/-.

The dreams are really getting fulfilled with every growing year.


Various Co-curricular activities are held under different categories to develop the children physically, morally, socially, mentally and to hone skills in co-scholastic areas. Every Wednesday during CCA periods, activities and competitions are held in which the students participate and display their caliber.

School is conducting number of activities on regular basis as per school almanac which is provided to the parents in the beginning of the session. In addition to this, school conducts activities as per CBSE and AWES guidelines from time to time.


The overall strength of the students has reached 1236 which shows an addition of more than 100 students this year. The school is growing and progressing with leaps and bounds. The school has a good reputation in the educational sector as every year we get a lot of applications for seeking admission in the school. Parents from distant areas aspire to admit their wards in APS Dhar Road.


With the increase in student’s strength, we have incorporated new addition in staff strength too. We are a happy family of 79 members. Healthy and cordial relationship among all the members is leading the school towards prosperity and success.



All children are unique and are influenced by cultural, linguistic, intellectual, psychological, medical, social and economic factors. These create a need for an educational environment that enhances every child’s strength and works towards areas of individual special needs without affecting the child’s self-confidence. In addition to these factors, children of armed forces parents are much more affected by the frequent change of schools and corresponding changes in the environment.

Project Asha Kiran is a unique project conventionalized by Army Wives Welfare Association which brings a ray of hope. The purpose of PROJECT ASHA KIRAN is to provide inclusive education to all children which include Children with Special Needs.

Under this project, three resource teachers and one special educator has been trained in the workshop on “Holistic and Inclusive Education” conducted by AWWA. For this purpose, a resource room has been created under the able guidance of the Hon’ble Chairman of the school to fulfill the needs of the children and school takes pride in undertaking this noble project.


Now I will throw light on Infrastructure of the school.

I feel ecstatic to share with you all that with the support of Hon’ble Chairman Brig Navin Varma in a short span of time around 10 months, we have spent around One Crore on the procurement of various required infrastructure and equipments. A number of projects have been undertaken and completed in this academic session. To name a few:-

a)    Assembly Shed has been extended to accommodate the children well and in rainy season also, we can conduct the assembly without any hassle now.

b)   With the changing times, the technology is playing a vital role in the educational sector. To keep the students updated with the new content, 7 Smart Boards have been installed in the classrooms and now every class is equipped with Educomp.

c)    School has procured 20 more monitors to make the children techno-savy. A projector, Photocopier machine is also an addition.

d)   Library has been upgraded with 5 kindles, number of reference and resource books along with the book shelves.

e)    As safety and security of the children is the prime concern of the school so to fulfill this purpose, 10 CCTV cameras have been installed in addition to the already existing cameras in the school. Further, to curb the problem of monkey menace, electric fencing has been done around the school campus.

f)      Maths, Science and SST labs have been upgraded with the lab equipments.

g)   For the Holistic Development of the students, more number of Sports and music equipments have been procured this year.

h)   Auditorium has been equipped with chairs, Projector and a screen.

i)      To monitor the smooth functioning of the school through CCTV cameras, an LED has been procured and installed in the Principal’s office.

Without the support and initiative of worthy Chairman, these projects would never have been possible and the wish of our students to study in a school which provides them with all support systems has been fulfilled.

Every journey towards the path of progress needs to be continued to reach the heights.

School has taken a number of projects this year.

I am happy to share with you all that within a few months, we are coming up with additional 12 classrooms and 4 washrooms.

Further, To cope up with the voltage issues in the school, a 100 KVA   three phase Servo Stabilizer will be installed in the school very soon.

Out of all, the major project is the upgradation of the school upto Higher Secondary School. May this future endeavor of ours be fulfilled soon!


Teachers are also learners.” Staying updated is the key to success in any field, especially, in education. Our teachers constantly strive to stay updated by attending workshops & various training Programs every year at FDRC, New Delhi, an initiative of AWES. The school organizes In-service workshops in the school for teachers and the eminent guest faculties are invited for the teachers’ enrichment programme.


Making our students globally relevant is the need of the hour. To foster and enhance Higher Order Thinking Skills among the students, the school continuously conducts Olympiads organized by Science Olympiad Foundation under which we conduct International English and Maths Olympiad National Science and Cyber Olympiad, for the students of Classes I-X.

This year, the school has outshined amongst all other CBSE schools in the district. Miss Amika Rustagi  of Class- V has created a history by securing Ist position in International English Olympiad at Zonal Level and she was felicitated with Academic Excellence Award 2018-2019 along with the cash prize worth Rs 10,000.  Master Ryan Sharma, Miss Vaishnavi Manhas, Miss Nidhi Yadav, Master Anshuman Singh, Master Yash Sinha, Miss Savya have added a new feather to our cap by securing excellence awards at Zonal Level and all of them were felicitated with the gift vouchers worth rupees 26,7000 which has been credited to these students’ account as per their rank in the olympiads. At last, I would like to mention here that Mrs Poonam Gupta, Coordinator for SOF has been awarded the Best Coordinator Award at District Level and myself has been awarded the Best Principal Award at District Level.


Being the only Secondary school in Northern Command, it becomes really challenging for the students to compete with the students from Senior Secondary group but then again I feel proud to share with you all that APS Dhar Road has still managed to make its name in the field of sports also. Dear audience, the boys Hockey team, girls Volleyball team and the boys Basketball team clinched the third position in Northern Command Inter APS’s Sports Tournaments.

In addition to this, school is participating at District and State Level too. The school team got IIND position in Badminton tournament at District Level and 5 students were selected for State Level. In District Level Cricket Tournament, 6 students were selected for State Level. The school Football Team clinched IInd position in District Level Football Tournament and again 5 students were selected for State Level. In Wushu Championship, the students were awarded with 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze medal and 3 students were selected for State Level.

Though our students are the youngest among all other APS competitors still their dream to achieve the heights of glory and success is incredible and coming true with the strenuous and outstanding efforts of teachers and parents.


Learning is a never ending process and to enhance the skill of our students,  18 students from Classes IX and X along with the two teachers visited IIT Jammu to attend the Student Solar Ambassador Workshop and brought self-made solar lamps to school also. APS Dhar Road team was also appreciated by IIT team for being very prompt in answering the questions and maintaining discipline in the workshop.


Learning with fun has been a regular feature of our school. 10 students attended the Summer Adventure Camp at Dalhousie, organized by Headquarter, Northern Command where they learnt to be self-dependent and live with cooperation. All the children from classes VI-X were taken to Dhruva Complex, Udhampur for watching the movie “Misson Mangal” along with their teachers and coordinators.


The school is having NCC for girls as well as boys. This academic session, 2 girls cadets attended ALL INDIA TREKKING CAMP at Paprola Baijnath.  10 cadets attended summer adventure camp 2019  at FCC  node Bakloh under the aegis of mountain brigade. During this programme they participated in various competitions and outshined amongst other Army Public Schools. Master Yash Sinha of  class VII secured gold medal in Milkha Singh race, gold medal in Relay race, bronze medal in 100 mtrs race and the title of the fittest boy in the camp. Miss Mannat Rajput of class VII secured silver medal in rock climbing , Master Shamit Kumar of class VIII secured silver medal in Milka singh race and Kritika Sharma of class VIII secured bronze medal in poem recitation competition.

NCC Day was celebrated by making our cadets visit Jagriti Old Age Home and orphanage where our children set friendly and cordial relationship with the kids and old people residing there.

I would like to conclude by paying gratitude to all the parents and each one of our well-wishers who have lent a supportive hand down through the years, in all our endeavors to produce a confident, educated and capable batch of students each year. I hope you enjoy the cultural bonanza, presented by our students and your evening is a pleasurable one.

With that, let us foresee a world of universal singularity where our children are going to be the propellant of this change and the world shall be a beautiful place to live in..!!!

"May be there is a road ahead of it,

May be there is a new world down the road,

Walking forth is the only plight,

Because we didn't come this far, to come this far only"

Our dream is to fly and touch the sky. We are not going to rest till we achieve the best.